A Message from the Founder

The Japanese people have long nurtured both the skill of precision craftsmanship and a unique aesthetic sensibility, which stem from original ideas and perseverance in research and development. These traditions are alive and well today, even in a society where modern technology prevails. We have been designing clothing for over 45 years. During this time our work has been infused by the spirit of native craftsman and punctuated by many new discoveries and developments in the realm of traditional craft arts including dying and weaving techniques, and the art of making washi paper.

One of the primary challenges for THE MIYAKE ISSEY FOUNDATION is to promote and foster innovative craftsmanship rooted in Japanese culture by promoting the processes and know-how to eventually establish the world’s leading design environment. Another of the foundation’s primary goals is to encourage ideas on how resource-poor countries like Japan can live sustainably, and to find ways to rebuild regions that have traditionally been centers of production, but have been left behind by the advancing world. To that end, it is vital that we stand on the shoulders of yesterday’s giants to pursue tomorrow’s innovations.

THE MIYAKE ISSEY FOUNDATION aims to communicate the joy and potential of design to as wide an audience as possible, and to make a genuine contribution to society through a range of projects and events.

Issey Miyake


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